StockCap's injection molding operations are located across the globe and are utilized to not only manufacture our extensive line of rigid plastic plugs and caps, but also custom molded products.
Engineering and Prototypes
When we receive your specifications, our engineering staff utilizes their expertise to explore all possibilities in determining the best material and the best process for the project. Our engineers have designed parts ranging from our standard styles to more complicated engineered custom parts made to solve some of the most difficult problems. Within the scope of our injection molding process alone, we have developed thousands of parts. Our goal is to design your part in the most cost effective manner and to design it to deliver the highest level of performance required.

Not only do we have over 50 years of design experience, but we utilize some of the most sophisticated design and manufacturing software. We've grown in CAD CAM technology beginning in the early years of AutoCAD, then Pro-Engineer software. Collaborating with all our locations, we work seamlessly using PTC Creo and Siemens NX programs to seamlessly integrate the tooling fabrication process.

We are able to provide prototypes for engineering and marketing tests and, although technology has improved the precision-machined process used in forming molds, prototypes can still take time and usually come with a price.
Benefits of Injection Molding
Injection molded parts are often the best choice for complex, high volume products that require tight tolerances. Our engineers will work with you to design a plastic injection molded part with the lowest tooling cost in the industry.


Minimal Finishing Work
Needed on Final Product

Quick Turnaround Time