Flexible vinyl E-Z Tabs are designed with extra long pull tabs for applications requiring easy removal. Caps go on snug and stay put for a superior seal.

Because E-Z Tab Caps are soft and flexible, most sizes are available in an undersized diameter that will provide a tight fit on a standard tube or bar.

E-Z Tab Caps are available in any length, in .062" (1.57 mm) increments. Minimum length is .187" (4.75mm). Maximum length is stated in chart.

  • Inside length tolerance is ± .062" (1.57 mm).
  • Inside length is measured along the side wall to the radius of the closed end, not down the center.
  • Stock lengths available.

Wall Thickness "C" is measured .250" (6.35 mm) from the open end, increasing slightly toward the closed end. Wall tolerance is ±.010" (0.25 mm).

Shop Stock Sizes Online
EZ Tab Caps Diagram
EZ Tab Caps
Inside Diameter "A" Maximum Inside Length "B" Inside Diameter "D" Inside Length "E"
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
-- -- +/- .062 +/- 1.57 -- -- -- --
0.240 6.10 1.500 38.10 0.125 3.18 0.625 15.88
0.303 7.70 1.500 38.10 0.125 3.18 0.625 15.88
0.365 9.27 1.500 38.10 0.125 3.18 0.625 15.88
0.386 9.80 1.500 38.10 0.125 3.18 0.625 15.88
0.427 10.85 1.750 44.45 0.125 3.18 0.625 15.88
0.490 12.45 1.750 44.45 0.125 3.18 0.687 17.45
0.521 13.23 1.500 38.10 0.125 3.18 0.687 17.45
0.530 13.46 1.500 38.10 0.125 3.18 0.500 12.70
0.552 14.02 1.750 44.45 0.125 3.18 0.687 17.45
0.615 15.62 1.750 44.45 0.125 3.18 0.687 17.45
0.677 17.20 1.750 44.45 0.125 3.18 0.687 19.05
0.735 18.67 1.500 38.10 0.125 3.18 0.812 20.62
0.750 19.05 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.855 21.72
0.797 20.24 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.875 22.23
0.835 21.21 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.500 12.70
0.860 21.84 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.843 21.41
0.937 23.80 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.875 22.23
0.985 25.02 1.750 44.45 0.187 4.75 0.875 22.23
1.060 26.92 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.875 22.23
1.125 28.58 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.875 22.23
1.250 31.75 1.500 38.10 0.187 4.75 0.875 22.23

Step 3 — Choose a Color

Caps are manufactured in 8 standard colors for multiple materials. Certain popular sizes are also stocked in black for quick shipment. Custom colors are also available.

Stock Color Options
Quick Ship —
Typically the Next Day
Custom Color Options
Longer Lead Times and
Higher Minimums

*Custom color-matching
fees may apply.

Standard Color Options
Standard Lead Time
(~ 3 Weeks)

Step 4 — Choose a Material

Stocked Short Caps are made from a 75 durometer PVC with a smooth surface and glossy finish. However, these caps can be made in materials with a variety of characteristics and features as shown below. 

View Our Material Chart

Material Characteristics

1. Hardness

2. Gloss

3. Texture

4. Special Features
  • High Temperature Resistant
  • Highly Weather Resistant
  • Fire Resistant (UL Qualifiable)
  • Anti-Static
  • Dilatable
Finishing Options

Step 5 — Add Further Customization

At StockCap, our service extends beyond molding protective caps, plugs and covers to include a variety of finishing and packaging options.  We have an entire facility set up to print, punch, package and more so that your team can focus on what you do best.

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